Monday, October 5, 2009

October - Birthstone of the Month - Opal and Tourmaline

Elegant Diamonds has a very nice selection of both Opals and Tourmaline. We invite you to come to the Store for a viewing or look at our website:

It has been written that opal possesses the virtues of all stones as it displays their many colors. Opal is a mysterious gem, thought to be a symbol of hope and jinx. The Arabs believed opal to be a gift from heaven that would fall in the flashes of lightening.

The characteristic feature of the gem opal is play of colors; pure colors can be seen in rapid succession as the gem is moved about. Derived from the Sanskrit "upala" and the Latin "opalus", meaning "precious stone", no two stones are ever alike. Found primarily in Australia as well as Mexico, opals are delicate by nature.

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